What is Budget Classifieds?
Free, Easy and Safe way to
Sell and Buy your goods.
Your ads are FREE in Budget Classifieds, a booklet on sale every 3 weeks and distributed throughout southern NSW, eastern SA and Victoria
Budget Classifieds started over 18 years ago in rural north western Victoria and continues to gather enthusiasts.

Some of the common categories
- Accommodation
- Antiques & Collectables
- Boats & Accessories
- Books
- Building Supplies
- Businesses
- Camping
- Caravans & Accessories
- Car & Truck parts & accessories
- Cars & Trucks
- Dogs & Accessories
- Farming & Rural
- Furniture
- Garden
- Horses & accessories
- House & Land
- Livestock
- Motorcycles
- Notice Board
- Personal Column
- Poultry & Birds
- Sports
- Trailers
- Wanted
- Other categories available
How to make the most of

Terms and Conditions
We advise that Budget Classifieds is not involved in the actual transaction between buyers and sellers and for any liability for any loss or damage (actual, special, direct, indirect and consequentially) of any nature whatsoever, either unsuspected, disclosed, undisclosed arising out of or in any way connected with any transaction. We further confirm that Budget Classifieds does not provide any warranties as to title merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose and that no agency, partnership, joint venture, employee-employer, franchiser-franchisee or other similar agreement is hereby created AND we agree to indemnity and release Budget Classifieds and hold it and its related entities, affiliates and or employees from all or any liability, actions, suits, proceedings, claims, demands, costs and expenses however related to or arising out of any transaction entered into as a result of using the services of Budget Classifieds whether such liability or claims arise by way of breach of contract, negligence or otherwise.